Lysa Allman-Baldwin

9:30 am Sunday Celebation Service

on Facebook, Youtube and this website

That’s my story … and I’m willing to give it up! with Lysa Allman-Baldwin

We all have a story – a collection of experiences we’ve had in our lives.  Some of those experiences are positive, and some leave a lot to be desired.  Unfortunately, we often latch onto the challenging ones, making them the central narrative our subconscious mind uses to filter current and future events.  Come and hear Lysa Allman-Baldwin, a highly sought-after motivational speaker, travel and feature writer, and the author of the book I Cried.  And People Loved Me Anyway, as she shares how recognizing that narrative—and giving up what no longer serves us—is key to reaching a higher level of consciousness

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm ZOOM Workshop with Lysa

CLICK HERE TO Pre-register  $25 or Registration and book $40 package 


It’s Never too Late to REWRITE our Childhood Stories

As a follow-up to the Sunday lesson, Lysa Allman-Baldwin will be presenting a special workshop: “It’s Never too Late to REWRITE our Childhood Stories.” When it comes to our childhood, whether we say it was “good” or perhaps “bad,” the interpretations we made about the events and situations during that time have a profound effect and play an integral role in how we navigate through life as adults.  As such, the subconscious beliefs through which we filter all of our life experiences sometimes operate us from the shadows, instead of us operating them.

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to:

  • Tap into your childhood to uncover the core issues of the triggers that keep sabotaging you
  • Acknowledge, listen to, and support your younger self from the position of your older, wiser self
  • More closely examine your old childhood stories in order to separate “fact from fiction”
  • Step out into the world in a greater way that supports living a passionate life filled with authenticity and purpose

Give yourself a gift by attending this special workshop!


I’m so excited to share in sacred spiritual community with you all!


Motivational speaker and freelance writer Lysa Allman-Baldwin shares her debut book. Lysa Allman-Baldwin's almost 25 years of freelance and travel writing have led her on many amazing journeys. A few years ago, her travels crossed paths with a very personal, inner journey resulting in her new book, I Cried.

Lysa Allman-Baldwin


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