Team Co-Facilitators:
Maggie Bishop & Lisa Haston
Mission Statement: To identify and recognize the interests of our USCL community and express our core values of Joyfulness and Inclusiveness in our activities.
Special Events might includes a dance, concert, theme party, special outing.
Event teams currently active: Lunch Bunch, Super Suppers, Caring Connections, Labyrinth, Lugnuts, Game Days, Trunk or Treat, White Elephant Exchange, Game and Euchre Sundays.
Nancy Claytor
Lisa and Maggie
Austin Cox
Caring Connections: Deb Pennington
If you or someone you know is experiencing a life challenge due to illness or loss of a loved one, please contact this ministry team, so they can send a card on behalf of Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing.
Debbie Pennington at 517 485-7762 or email her at dspennin@gmail.com
USCL also provides casseroles to support those going through a period of grief or health challenges.
Lunch Bunch: Nancy Claytor and Lisa Schmidt
EarthCare Team: Collecting used batteries for proper disposal, Can tabs (for Ronald McDonald House), Styrofoam for Recyling