The Tower Project Process


SEPTEMBER:  After the fire, we now plan to remodel, restore and create the addition as one process. This will bring lots of benefits as all electrical can be upgraded, we basically have a clean slate and the building will be more cohesive.  

August 2019 - meeting with architects weekly to facilitate the speedy redesign which includes the elevator.

JULY 2019:  Contact has been signed for redesign of the architectural plans to include an elevator in place of a Vertical Platform Lift.  Our Reno Team is meeting with the designers on a weekly phone meeting.

It is interesting to note that the delays have blessed us in that the heavy rains this spring would have meant additional costs to pump out the excavation if we have been in process of construction.  We are learning to trust in the slow work of God.

JUNE 2019:  We are working through completion of the initial design details as we appeal the ruling from the City permit department around the VPL - Vertical Platform Lift

May 2019:  We are currently experiencing unsatisfactory delays with our contractor.  While we are working this out, we are not standing still. 

We are inviting you to "Walk the Walk", safely. 

broken sidewalkThe sidewalk was front of the church is in extremely bad shape and very unsafe. 

We hired Earthworkx Brothers to replace it and they have done a fabulous job.

The budget for the City of Lansing does not have funds for sidewalk repairs so Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing is taking on this project for the safety of our members and our neighborhood. 

During May we will be holding a silent auction which will cumulate on Friday, May 31st with a Coffee House Talent Show to raise funds for this repair.  Monies raise will go to augment the funds collected in the Coin Jar for this project.  Our bill was $2000 plus $200 for the building permit.


Plan now on joining with your friends on Friday, May 31st for a fun evening of Fun(d)raising!  Tickets are $10 for adults.  Youth are free. Special entertainment by Jeff the magician.