HeartMath(R) Coming to Lansing!

WORKSHOP TITLE:  Experience the HeartMath® Solution

$75 for the two part workshop, prepaid

Zoom:  Morning 10 am – Noon  Afternoon 2:00 – 4:00 pm

PRERIGISTER by Contacting the Unity Office 517 371-3010, UnityLansingOffice@gmail.com

Or register directly by going to Facebook "Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing" Events

Meet Rev. David McArthur at the Sunday Experience on January 10th when he will be our guest speaker.


Rev. David McArthur, J.D. is a Unity minister, HeartMath certified trainer, and past Director and trainer with the HeartMath Institute.

Keynote speaker and author of three books on the wisdom of the heart, he brings us over 35 years of research and experience in the art and science of human transformation.

David has taught these life transforming discoveries to thousands of people throughout the hemisphere.



Learn the world-famous Institute of HeartMath discoveries in human transformation. Do they work? You can see and experience the difference! Their work has been featured on many major national television programs (including The Today Show, ABC News, & CNN) and reported in scientific journals.


Rev. David will show how HeartMath’s breakthrough discoveries reveal the secret of direct, effective spiritual connection. Connect with your spiritual nature and experience its wisdom and its power which transforms...

Anger to care, Worry to wisdom, Fear to peace, and Stress to health...in the moment!

.We’ve all spent years educating our minds.

In this dynamic workshop, learn how to engage the intelligence of your heart.

As international, local and personal fear expand, you are invited to learn the powerful innovative scientific discoveries that can bring transformation of emotional turmoil in the moment. Bring peace to your heart, your family, your workplace and your planet. It is the greatest gift you can give yourself, and our world at this time.

Experience your heart’s intelligence:

  • Actualize your heart's intentions, personally and professionally
  • Develop an intuitive connection with people
  • Engage your heart’s wisdom in the midst of fear or turmoil
  • Deepen your spiritual connection
  • Bring your mind and heart into synchronization


A letter from David to you...

Dear friends at Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing,

I am looking forward to sharing my HeartMath program with you. I have put below information that can be helpful in understanding what the HeartMath workshop is about and how it can benefit you.

Because the HeartMath research and techniques have many applications and benefits, I wanted to take a moment to point out some of the differences that could be valuable to you. Unity churches usually bring me as a Unity minister to present the HeartMath discoveries because I can provide a spiritual emphasis which is different than other HeartMath presenters. HeartMath is a secular organization and serves what are primarily secular parts of our society. Those include hospitals, schools, businesses, military, law enforcement and public service organizations as well as organizations focused on personal growth. 

Some of the benefits for these organizations are:                                       

  • Stop stress reactions
  • Emotional management
  • Enhanced wellness
  • Resilience
  • Health enhancement
    • Less stress
    • Better sleep
    • Reduced anxiety
    • And other specific biophysical impacts
  • Better decision making
  • Accessing more effective intelligence
  • Reduction of worry and anxiety


For Unity, these same impacts can be perceived from a different framework. The connection with our hearts creates a direct spiritual connection. That direct spiritual connection is the source of many of the changes and benefits that the HeartMath research measures. HeartMath does not focus on the spiritual connection, although is it acknowledged in some of their writings. Because of my connection as a minister, I am permitted to express Heart Math’s impacts in spiritual language which I have done in my books, The Intelligent Heart, Your Spiritual Heart and The Monk’s Choice. For Unity, I focus on that spiritual connection as the source of the changes and benefits that result from the HeartMath techniques.


A primary focus in my presentations is the easy, effective access to what I call ‘wisdom.’ This is what Dr. Emily Cady called ‘spiritual understanding’ and some contemporary teachers call spiritual intelligence, guidance or discernment. This ability to connect quickly and effectively with our spiritual guidance is one of the most profound and empowering results of Heart Math’s skills.


With appreciation,

David McArthur