Our Sunday Music Ministry

Elizabeth and band


young boy wearing hatMusic at Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing

is an experience that inspires and engages. 

Prepare to be MOVED!

Jeff English - Music Director

Jeff English Music Director
Jeff English
Music Director

Jeff holds a Master's Degree from Michigan State University in Choral Direction.  Jeff is the "staff" that composes an uplifting, expert music program at Unity.  He is also a member of the Unity Worldwide Music Team and active with Empower Music and Arts. 

Retired from teaching at the East Lansing High School, he's active (along with his wife, Jennifer, and their family) in local theater productions. Jeff is a consummate pianist and vocalist, and composer of individual songs and musical scores. 


Unity BandThe Unity Jazz Band

The Unity Band
under the direction of Jeff English
John Loose on Guitar
Justin Valla on Bass
Steve Edwards or Michael Rosetos (RAZZ) on drums
Jeff English at the piano/keyboard.

Justin Valla
Justin Valla on Bass
John Loose
John Loose on guitar






Steve Edwards
Steve Edwards on Drums and Sounds


Greg Debubg
Greg Dening, Song Leader













Winalee Zeeb
Winalee Zeeb
DeShawn Snead-Pratt
DeShawn SneadPratt
Matt BLiton
Matt Bliton
Rachel Gates
Rachael Gates


Travis Williams
Samantha Valla
Samantha Valla
Thomas Ruhala
Thomas Ruhala
Celina Ruhala
Celina Ruhala
Linda Abar
Linda Abar








Elizabeth Kind
Elizabeth Kunc
Bella Seigo
Bella Seigo
Rick Seguin
Rick Seguin