
Eight Ways to Discover Inner Peace in Your Life Today


Affirmation: In quiet times of prayer, I am filled with a sense of tranquility.

If it is up to each of us to be peace, how do we find it, amidst the chaos, real-life tragedies, predicaments, and pain in our families, neighborhoods, and world communities?

Our paths to peace are as individual as we are. Like a diet tailored to your health needs or the spiritual practices that bring you a sense of well-being, your window to peace, and its expression, is yours to discover.

Unity Arts Ministry believes the path can be through creative expression. Engaging in your creative impulses, the ministry says, can lead you to your deepest nature and truest self. Free your imagination and let your peace express itself, from writing a poem or beading a colorful bracelet to painting a landscape or making pottery. Or just grab some markers and enjoy a coloring book.

Here are eight things you can do today to have more inner peace:


  1. Pray:
    Find your inner spirit of harmony with prayer. Whether privately or aloud with others, express your sacred value for peace in the world through words of prayer. Join a community prayer vigil for peace, a prayer event at a center, church, or temple, or connect with Silent Unity.
  2. Pause:
    Take a few moments each day—in the morning, at lunch, or before bed—to pause. Write or speak gratitude or take a minute to enjoy the peace of a simple moment, like petting your cat or dog.
  3. Radiate:
    Let peace radiate in your easygoing tone with others. Allow your infinite peace to show in your facial expressions and actions. Speak with a voice that resonates with kindness and encouragement. Your spirit of peace will be felt around you.
  4. Meditate:
    Visualize your peaceful heart as you let go of all that surrounds you. Experience your sense of tranquility in the quietness or experience your peace in a guided meditation. Listen to a meditation or try a meditation video.
  5. Movement:
    Awaken your peace by moving around in the spaces you occupy and enjoy. Feel peace flow as you walk on a nature trail or sway in dance across your living room. Do a yoga pose or a head-to-toe stretch and activate your spirit of peace.
  6. Give:
    A helping hand, emotional support, or just your sense of optimism—give to others as often as you can. Just like love and kindness, giving freely and willingly will deliver peace to your heart.
  7. Affirmations:
    Affirm the power of peace. Remind yourself that you are in the peace of Spirit. Speak with zeal and Truth. Embrace your peace with affirmations such as I AM peace, or Peace flows through me to the world. (More peace affirmations can be found here.)
  8. Music:
    Whether listening to or creating it, music can open your heart to peace. Let it lift your peaceful spirit. Get out your instrument, sing, or just sit and let the music soothe your soul and fill you with magical peace. (Find uplifting songs, including sheet music, at, the online music library for Unity Worldwide Ministries.)

Know that you are the power of peace, even in the midst of chaos. Discover your calming spirit and live your life from a peace-centered consciousness. Let your peace prevail to create harmony in the world.

To request a prayer of peace—for yourself, a friend, or the world—you can contact Silent Unity® anytime, day or night at 1-816-969-2000 or use our online prayer request form.